***Next Group Retreat - November 2024***


***Group Retreat - February 2025***

Personalised Programmes


Pure air - ancient water - a wild and epic landscape - all come together to make Siwa the perfect place for natural health and wellness.

My immersions derive so much power from the oasis itself - and its epic magic and mystery.

With retreats of five - seven - ten or fourteen days - I guide my guests through their own personal journey of well-being.


For some it might be nurturing themselves through a detox - with vibrant fresh juices and herbs.

For others - it might be an occasion to nourish and enrich - inspired by the wonders of the oasis and its own very special ways to heal.

I have guests who come alone - bring a friend (or two or three) - couples - or families.


As well as my own treatments - I call upon phenomenal natural therapists and healers from all over the world - to enable far reaching - transformative experiences.

I provide and/or facilitate Tung and Oricular Acupuncture, Breath Work, Yoga, Curative Eurythmy, Homeopathy, Massage and Integrated Sound Healing.

My core offer is Naturopathic and Nutritional Consultations and Treatments - Detoxes and Nourishment. This can be for those who simply want to give themselves (and their bodies) some love, but it might also be to address long standing health concerns.

Progammes can be tailored to exact personal requirements - from immersions that make the best of this epic natural environment - to highly considered responses to complex health issues.

All your travel arrangements within Egypt are taken care of - including transfers to and from Cairo Airport / Cairo to Siwa.  You book your flights, I do the rest!


Our Blog

Read what happens here in the Garden Farm, keeping you up to date on life in the Oasis.  


Food choices, preparation techniques and the culinary traditions of our ancestors play a pivotal role in health and vitality.


Chronic illness in industrialized nations has reached epic proportions as we have slowly separated ourselves from living and eating close to the earth.

Indigenous societies teach us the importance of eating locally grown, wild or un-hybridized foods as a way to physically synchronize with our environment, nourishing ourselves in a more sustainable and ecological way.

Siwa is a wonderful place to cleanse yourself with pure healing mineral water which flows directly from the heart of the earth – our number 1 nutrient!









Supporting your Digestive System 

I work on the principle of two main meals - both eaten during the light of the day - featuring nourishing wholefoods, fresh home baking, delicious juices packed with herbs and minerals - and powerful superfood smoothies. 

All this helps your digestive system to cleanse - using powerful plant based ingredients - as well as meat and dairy options - all according to individual preferences.