
Honey Harvest

Honey Harvest

Its a beautiful cool Ramadan evening in our little oasis home in the Sahara desert of Egypt. We're gathering and processing our first harvest of honey from our newly installed bees...

Ancient Tools and Farming Practices

Ancient Tools and Farming Practices

Pre-summer is a busy time of year in the little oasis garden farm. Fresh spring water is flowing through the mud and sand water channels, keeping our oasis farm well hydrated as the weather hots up...

Moringa - Nature's Multivitamin Superherb

Moringa - Nature's Multivitamin Superherb

The green tree of Moringa can be found growing all over our little desert oasis ~ its a absolute powerhouse of nutrients and we love it! It's actually one of the most ancient medicines in the world, highly valued by the Greeks, Romans and Ancient Egyptians...

Falcons in the Fireplace

Falcons in the Fireplace

Our closest neighbors are about a 15 minute walk and inside their farm they have a traditional Egyptian mud built pigeon house. After noticing that their baby pigeons were going missing en mass, they decide to inspect, discovering a falcon's nest high up in the structure.